Lefkadian institutions first appeared in Literature and Art Festivals (1955) and the International Folklore Festival (1962), which operated continuously until today, building on earlier Ionian tradition. Theater, music, exhibitions, conferences, poetry culminate each summer and strengthen the culture of Lefkada.
The Festivals count dozens exceptional moments in their history, as the extraordinary appearance of Maria Callas in 1964, last artistic appearance of her in public.
The island has the oldest (after the Corfu) Band of Greece (1850). The Association contributed to the development of music education and history Lefkadite brought this many times in important moments in Greece, as in 1864 for the Union of the Ionian Islands in 1896 to participate in the Olympic Games in Athens in 1906 and taking part in Mesolympiada.
Lefkada is also active in folk dancing, choirs and musicians with a nationwide and international visibility.